CERP trains business leaders of YPO Indus Chapter

CERP trains business leaders of YPO Indus Chapter

CERP trains business leaders of YPO Indus Chapter

After the success of the Leading Thinking Firms Workshop conducted for the YPO and YPO Gold Chapter, Karachi CERP hosted a second workshop for the members of YPO Indus Chapter in Lahore on October 12, 2019.
With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being created every day understanding organisation’s data needs and enabling businesses to leverage data to make strategic decisions has never become more imperative. The workshop provided necessary insights to prominent leaders of the business community to understand the value of data and evidence-based strategic decision making in the 21st century.
Dr. Tahir Andrabi led the presentation on the importance of “Learning Organisation”. The topic area addressed the vitality of understanding data and data systems in order to become a learning organisation. In today’s day and age “Organisations should be able to absorb data, use theories to interpret data and use data to test and refine theory” says Dr. Andrabi on becoming a learning organisation.
Moving on Maroof A. Syed briefed the participants on the “Value of data and Innovation” for organisations. He contextualised the importance of data on a macro level and for businesses in Pakistan. While debunking myths around data analytics Mr. Syed said “Technology will not bring the change, it is the culture that matters” for organisations to truly succeed. It has to accept failure in order to learn and innovate.
The workshop also included a session on iterative creation activity and an experiential learning module to engage participants to apply the learning of the workshop. Following this Dr. Alki Iliopoulou, Director Harvard Decision Science Laboratory, and a behavioural Innovation Strategist presented a session on innovative organisational solutions utilising behavioural economics, human-centred design and change management.
YPO is the premier global leadership organisation of more than 27,000 chief executives in over 130 countries. It is a global platform for them to engage, learn and grow where the members harness the knowledge, influence and trust of the world’s most influential and innovative business leaders to inspire business, personal, family and community impact.