CERP’s President and CEO, Maroof A. Syed, spoke about “Data-Driven Disaster and Policy response” as part of the 5th National Disaster Risk Management Fund’s panel discussion on “Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan – Challenges, Lessons and Innovations”.
Pakistan is one of the top 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change according to Global Climate Risk Index 2021. In light of the recent flooding, the panel discussed disaster risk management, reduction and identifying issues related to climate change that Pakistan faces today.
Maroof A. Syed was joined by co-panelists Chris Kaye, Country Director, World Food Programme (Pakistan), Farah Mendjour, Director and Head of Partnerships, Agha Khan Foundation (AKF), Nusrat Nasab, CEO Agha Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), and Ali Tauqeer Sheikh, Board Member NDRMF.
Bilal Anwar, President and CEO of NDRMF, moderated the discussion.